Procuram-se estagiários para beber cerveja e viajar pelos Estados Unidos

A World of Beer ( WOB ) é o paraíso da cerveja artesanal final que oferece aos seus hóspedes uma experiência mundial de cerveja.

A taberna de cerveja artesanal tem na sua base de dados mais de 28.000 cervejas no menu e uma variedade de alimentos de conforto elevado que proporciona a união perfeita entre comida e cerveja para uma experiência inigualável.

Oferta – BEER DRINK IT INTERN! (Em Inglês)

It’s the beer opportunity of a lifetime…

Want to spend your summer traveling the country, drinking beer, meeting brewers and diving into beer culture?

We’re recruiting three Drink it Interns to hit the road this summer and search out the best craft beer and food the world has to offer. We’ll send you down the street and around the world to capture the best beer stories and document them by blogging, capturing video, taking photos, Facebooking, Tweeting, sharing Vines, Periscoping, and anything else you think would be awesome to help tell the tale.


  • People who are all about exploring and sharing their experience with their friends
  • Social media nuts who are always snapping photos of beer and food to share on social media
  • People who are passionate about beer and always looking to learn more
  • Creative types like photographers, bloggers, videographers, or simply really awesome Tweeters
  • Friendly folk who love meeting new people, sharing stories with strangers, and catching up over a beer
  • Outgoing personalities who can talk to anyone and carry the conversation
  • Travelers who love to hit the road every chance they get


  • Learn all you can about beer!
  • Try new things
  • Write blog entries, take photos and video, Tweet, Vine, Instagram, Facebook, or all of the above
  • Travel to domestic and international locations to meet brewers and attend beer festivals
  • Be on camera and share your story with WOB fans across the country
  • Have an AWESOME time trying AMAZING BEER in ENVY WORTHY locations


  • Sharing your awesome beer pics
  • Telling us about your favorite brewery or beer festival visit
  • Demonstrating your passion for beer
  • Showing us your outgoing personality
  • Letting us see the real you!

A empresa oferece $12000 de remuneração, alojamento e despesas de transporte.

Mais informações e candidaturas [AQUI]

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