Fundação de Serralves está a recrutar na área de Arquitetura e Arte

A Fundação de Serralves assumiu como sua Missão estimular o interesse e o conhecimento de públicos de diferentes origens e idades pela arte contemporânea, pela arquitetura, pela paisagem e por temas críticos para a sociedade e seu futuro, fazendo-o de forma integrada, com base num conjunto patrimonial de exceção, no qual se destacam o Museu de Arte Contemporânea e o Parque.

Multidisciplinar e fiel à sua Missão, a Fundação de Serralves é hoje considerada um dos mais bem-sucedidos e consolidados projetos culturais do país e aufere de uma singular projeção e reconhecimento internacionais.



  • MA or PhD in relevant areas and compatible with the required position and responsibilities;
  • Excellent knowledge in history of modern and contemporary architecture;
  • Minimum professional experience of 3 years in producing innovative programmes related to architecture, preferably in a museum or contemporary art institution and their implementation;
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and ability to work as part of a team, whether with colleagues of the Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art or with artists, architects, external entities and collaborations, or the general public;
  • High level of written and oral communication skills;
  • The ability to influence others in presenting ideas and the ability to relate to new partners;
  • The ability to manage priorities and time, to take initiative and exercise responsible autonomy are critical for this role;
  • Fluency in Portuguese and English, both written and spoken. A third language fluency will be valued;

This position is not required to relocate to Porto, but requires availability to attend regular curatorial and programming planning meetings with the Director of Museum and key staff, as well as for programme and content delivery.

Mais informações e candidaturas [AQUI]

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